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New challenges and unmet needs of people living with HIV/AIDS aged 50+, Berlin, Germany, 31 March – 3 April 2016.


Three conferences were organised within the framework for the project:

Titles, dates and venues of the three conferences:

•          New challenges and unmet needs of people living with HIV/AIDS aged 50+, Berlin, Germany, 31 March – 3 April 2016.

•          New challenges and unmet needs of children and adolescents living and ageing with HIV/AIDS (aged 0-25), Bucharest, Romania, 19 - 22 January 2017.

•          New challenges and unmet needs of people living ad ageing with HIV/AIDS aged 18-50 - Quality of Life and Preventive Healthcare. Kyiv, Ukraine, 3-6 May 2018.

Reports from the conferences can be accessed here:

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This project has been independently developed by EATG, which was made possible through sponsorship from Gilead Sciences Europe Ltd. and ViiV Healthcare Europe.

European AIDS Treatment Group, Interoffices | Avenue des Arts 56-4c, 1000 Brussels, Belgium / Phone: +32(0) 26269645 

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